المدة الزمنية 7:53

How to slim your legs faster 5 Reasons Your Legs Get THICKER After Workout

بواسطة April Han
371 878 مشاهدة
9.9 K
تم نشره في 2022/09/23

* My FREE Workout Program Schedule: https://aprilhanfit.com/daily_workout/ SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2nd DAILY LIFE CHANNEL: /channel/UCKNOyVVoSMu24fAsdOzVTFg FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @Piecesofapril37 https://www.instagram.com/piecesofapril37/ Thank you for watching video 5 Reasons Your Legs Get THICKER After Workout! XOXO April Han NASM Certified Personal Trainer & Weight Loss Specialist & Nutrition Coach


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تعليقات - 212
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    @bydikshaمنذ 2 سنوات Leg raising really helps a lot, not only it reduces swelling in calves but also in feet 129
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    @hannahsmovingcastle5389منذ 2 سنوات Thank you so much, this video literally reached me in the best time- I recently started exercising again + I'm on my period and my legs look so swollen id="hidden1" class="buttons"> and thick right now, I was full on panic-mode! I will try out your recommendations, especially the posture correction and including more aerobic exercises in my workouts! ....وسعت 174
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    @zannahg.g.7604منذ 2 سنوات I don't do diets i also don't eat junk. I have the body type i building huge muscles even doing pilates. I asked doctor about it she told me to id="hidden2" class="buttons"> not worry about it she said most important thing is i move and enjoy my life. I never ever had have thin legs. Not that i eat too much just my genetic has this problem wich is so annoyed me always. Thank you for tips and great work outs. ....وسعت 80
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    @Ksugunesمنذ 2 سنوات Hey April ‍♂️ this video is very useful and i have never heard those information together before
    I was enlightened in the light of this video. Thank you for the subtitle.
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    @Cassie3angelمنذ 2 سنوات Wow this actually explained alot of things I've seen before (not personal experience thank goodness lol). This is very informative and interesting! 39
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    @kaynatnazkayu1594منذ 2 سنوات If your body is like thicker legs and slimmer waist , then don't workout more , do some less intensity workout at most for 15 mins and make sure stretch id="hidden5" class="buttons"> the same amount of time that you've worked out for , and as well focus on waist and arms .
    I literally had no change in my legs measurements in the first year of working out rather it increased from 52 to 55 since i was giving too hard time for my legs , the. I changed my style and followed the way i mentioned above , and it worked, last summer after 1 year of working out with results, i finally lost 5.5 cm and went down to 49.5cm at 43 kgs , and this summer, it went down to 43.5 cm . The other thing that i noticed was i lose more in summer, so i focus on fat lose more in summer and just try maintaining it the whole year.
    ....وسعت 70
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    @cocacola988العام الماضي 非病理原因:
    1. 以为运动了就吃下去更多热量了
    2. 大重量练腿 配合有氧运动
    3. 刚开始运动带来的应激性腿粗 腿部肌肉充血了
    4. 运动后没有放松形成肌肉块
    5. 核心很弱/体态问题 比如跷二郎腿
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    @taregindaمنذ 2 سنوات Loving these educational videos , great to cool down after exercise video 45
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    @its_dia0280منذ 2 سنوات Omg thank u so much, last time I started working out with your videos and my legs got soooo thick and I’m not even fat, I was so confused !! But now I understand why
    Thank u ❤❤
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    @giohana_.youtube474منذ 2 سنوات i'm brazilian i thought it was my body type but now i'm going to do the recommended exercises i love your workouts ✨❤️ 10
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    @BanfilaBiancaمنذ 2 سنوات Thank s so much for this information April. For information is power. Hope mother and the new baby are doing fine.
    Please, is there any other alternative id="hidden7" class="buttons"> to foam rollers? Could massaging the legs with the hands do before stretching? Or must it only be the rollers?
    Stay blessed.
    ....وسعت 13
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    @Plusdansh1قبل 8 أشهر I used to over exercise very much but now I workout 5 times a week and I make sure to take 10k steps a day and make fruits/vegetables my snack! 3
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    @romicoro1708منذ 2 سنوات Thank you! id just asking to the universe to get this answers to my thicker legs.thank you so much 6
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    @deri977منذ 2 سنوات April,прошу вас о русских субтитрах.Я только не давно нашла ваш канал,а уже вижу результат), благодаря вашим видео я могу становится лучше.Огромная вам благодарность❤️ 59
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    @marlena4687منذ 2 سنوات Спасибо за видео, очень полезно также отдельное спасибо за английские субтитры
    Thanks for the video, very helpful also thanks for the english subtitles
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    @alicepklamمنذ 2 سنوات lovely to see you again April! thank you for another informative video ^^ 7
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    @sohailansari5814منذ 2 سنوات Thankyou so much april i am really waiting this for a long time anyway how are you and your baby 9
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    @sejalsahu22منذ 2 سنوات Love from India. Your subtitles helped me a lot to understand. Thank you April ❤❤❤
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    @demilawrenceقبل 11 أشهر I really struggled with eating after exercising I’m so glad I found this, 1
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    @omnia7منذ 2 سنوات I miss you so much April Han, I hope you and your baby are in good health. The video was very informative, but please do the translation in Arabic so that I can benefit more. Thank you and I love you so much❤. 2
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    @dayjimongمنذ 2 سنوات Oh that's why it happened, thank you for great info 2
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    @urmikariya5575منذ 2 سنوات Helpful video love it thank you April 1
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    @lunaenter4042منذ 2 سنوات I laughed at the first minute.
    Well this actually happened to me. At first I frustrated but then I'm still look fit, so I checked my body composition. id="hidden11" class="buttons"> Then I gained some weight due to increased of muscle and my fat dropped significantly.
    In conclusion, muscle weight more than fat.
    ....وسعت 24
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    @orxanagazad4967منذ 2 سنوات Thank you April
    Please bring hip melting exercises
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    @g-dragon_envoyeقبل 11 أشهر I've been training legs for almost 2 years now and I have thicker legs than when I first started it's killing me now I'll watch what you say but I'm worried how should I do it or will it get thinner 2
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    @jjyhgtgr7040منذ 2 سنوات hello april♡
    for how long do we do the legs up wall method?
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    @anyaskwiqقبل 10 أشهر Вы просто прекрасны!!! спасибо большое за тренировки и советы!!
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    @user-xe2cf4mk8fقبل 8 أشهر Здравствуйте, а можно делать упражнения с валиком при варикозном расширении на растяжку по вашему видео отдельно от этой тренировки в другой день?
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    @zan8942العام الماضي Hello, April
    I have pelvic tilt and pelvic rotation. I want to correct it. Can you make such a video? Please
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    @user-ik1ko8ml2nمنذ 2 سنوات Большое спасибо, очень нужная информация, нашлись ответы на мои вопросы! 3
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    @ElisePetersburgمنذ 2 سنوات I love your videos so much! I wish you could make all your videos in English as well <3
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    @PaulaJuarez1921منذ 2 سنوات Espero que vos y tu familia y el nuevo integrante se encuentren bien, te extrañamos mucho! Cuidate! Buen video! 9
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    @ansiljacky2226العام الماضي Do we need to use foam rollers . Please reply 1
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    @marlaramos4996العام الماضي Eu gosto muito dos seus exercícios..gostaria de legendas em PORTUGUÊS..por favor para que possamos entender as explicações ❤️ 14
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    @Achiever0608منذ 2 سنوات Sister Han can you share remedies for Stretch Marks on stomach area please 1
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    @jemkom6928منذ 2 سنوات Cud u pls do a series of leg workout for 1 month for a begineer from starting with low intense to higher
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    @meryemsevvalozcanمنذ 2 سنوات You look amazing. Honestly you've always been a very attractive woman and a role model for me and since you're pregnant now I think that you're glowing. Keep rocking Queen! The best fitness channel on youtube 5
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    @raulabbaszade5933قبل 3 أشهر hello i am 35 years old. my leg is bent in an O shape. my knees gave birth. What actions can I take?

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    @starthatshines3798منذ 2 سنوات Ohhh so that’s why the leg workout I did made me do stretches at the end
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    @nya-nyafind2754منذ 2 سنوات Здравствуйте, можно пожалуйста добавить субтитры на русском языке, очень интересно почему так происходит 2
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    @therebiliousone6240منذ 2 سنوات 你的练习很棒,效果更好。
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    @nadiraturgunalieva4817العام الماضي Thank you very much for this information
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    @valenugasyمنذ 2 سنوات En mi caso me pasa eso pero es porque estoy ganando masa muscular lo cual es bastante beneficioso porque tienes más fuerza, no entiendo porque siempre ven cómo algo negativo el tener piernas gruesas cuando cada uno tiene un tipo de cuerpo diferente y otros objetivos. Desde mi experiencia está bien que quieran piernas delgadas pero por favor no se obsesionen con eso, tener músculos es más beneficioso que estar muy delgado ....وسعت 4
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    @ameera3346منذ 2 سنوات Hello April, I suffer from anterior pelvic tilt and I have a lot of fat in the front of the thigh. I don’t know if it is a disease or fat and my sitting is not good and straight. Will all this negatively affect my natural growth and what exercises I do for it and how often to correct these bad postures and how many cm will it return to my stature?? Please help me + Thank you very much for your very good videos ....وسعت
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    @lubna7216منذ 2 سنوات هل يؤثر ان لم تكن موجودة لدي اسطوانة الفوم ؟
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    @ramyasreedeccapati8524منذ 2 سنوات Hey April I started doing your saddle bags workout with resistance band around my thighs, is it okay? Can I continue doing it or should I stop doing it? 2
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    @Universal_drama_queenمنذ 2 سنوات How often to workout to get completely slim skinny legs ?
    Is it daily or 4 times a week ?
    Pleaseeee reply ?
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    @saycheeseandieمنذ 2 سنوات I have a question: I do cardio and slim leg workouts at the same time so by 30-45 minutes per a day do you mean all the workout or just for legs? Ty for the helpful video,i also had this problem. 10
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    @Maira_Jenlisaمنذ 2 سنوات thank you so much she saved my legs this video is so informative. ✌️
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    @anelkastojic2668منذ 2 سنوات Hi April!Thank you so much for this video!Is it too much if I do leg workouts for 40 minutes?Have a great day!❤️ 12
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    @angelacaruso3078العام الماضي hello thanks for the video I wanted to ask if I have varicose veins I can do squats for the buttocks
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    @adhamshreth351العام الماضي استغفر الله العظيم الذي لا الله الا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم الحمدلله لا الله الا الله الله اكبر الحمد لله اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
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    @thisiznicقبل 10 أشهر Is it a problem when I do ur calf exercises I can do wonyoung stretch
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    @kridha5012منذ 2 سنوات So, they will become thinner little by little right?
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    @Mohammedindependentمنذ 2 سنوات Please make a video to correct flat feet if there are any possible ways
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    @zumrutgul5252منذ 2 سنوات Je n'ai pas trouvé d'exercices pour resserrer et remonter les seins, j'espère qu'ils sont disponibles
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    @mimisinsy2076العام الماضي أتساءل إن كانت April مهتمه بعمل فيديو يتضمن (تمارين لتنحيف و إطالة أصابع اليدين) ☺️♥ 1
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    @EsterL.العام الماضي would you please turn on the Czech subtitles, I can't speak English
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    @vinodprasad7731العام الماضي Can u please upload a vedio for loosing upper thigh fat comletely please
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    @burhanbani5082منذ 2 سنوات Please April do some exasize for increase height Please
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    @m.e2981منذ 2 سنوات Make a video like this about thick arms
    I workout a lot and i'm healthy but i don't have really slim arms
    I don't know what to do
    So sad,,,, help me pleassseee
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    @puppy14308منذ 2 سنوات İngilizcem altyazıları anlayabilecek kadar iyi değil, altyazıların olduğu buton ne zaman aktif olur acaba? 2
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    @naaz4167منذ 2 سنوات April my hip bones are very wide please suggest a way to make them narrower
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    @youmadbruhhمنذ 2 سنوات Hii April ❤️
    I wanted to loose weight but whenever I do a workout from YouTube it start making my waist and oblique muscle wider.my figure is becoming rectangular due to workout.what should I do..I just wanted to become slim but now I'm afraid of doing exercises because they are making me look wider
    I'm so depressed
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    @hareemfatima5788منذ 2 سنوات Thanks this is major problem of my legs .which I faced . instead of decrease my legs are increased .thanks dear .plz make a video before warm up,and slim id="hidden21" class="buttons"> and thinner legs include hips.and after stretching .plzzzzzzzzzz from pakistan ....وسعت
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    @fish14028منذ 2 سنوات April Can you add Arabic subtitles to this video
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    @meghabiju5984منذ 2 سنوات How can I reduce my face fat? Pls give some tipss
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    @mervesayin9979قبل 8 أشهر 6.20 egzersizi benim için çok zor doğru yapamıyorum
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    @kimmina4997قبل 5 أشهر I hope you put the Japanese translation.
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    @lxosas3954العام الماضي Does anyone know any good diets for doing workouts?
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    @blackswan7364منذ 2 سنوات plz can you put the arabic sub cause i didn't understand anything plzzzzz
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    @jasiadam2308منذ 2 سنوات 你好,你能为我们制作一个视频来解释我们从你以前的视频开始的第一个运动,然后是第二个运动,依此类推,我不知道从哪里开始,你的频道非常漂亮和有用
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    @noooode123منذ 2 سنوات My problem is the outer thighs are fat. What is the solution please? 2